Staying Active on a Budget

Staying physically active doesn't have to be expensive. With a little creativity and resourcefulness, you can maintain a healthy and active lifestyle on a tight budget.

Staying physically active doesn't have to be a financial burden. By embracing these cost-effective options and being creative with your approach to fitness, you can maintain a healthy lifestyle without breaking the bank. Remember that the most important thing is to stay consistent and enjoy the process of staying active.

Here are some tips on how to stay physically active without spending lots of money:

Walking And Running

One of the simplest and most cost-effective ways to stay active is by walking or running. Brisk walking is very good for your health and you don't need any special equipment, just a comfortable pair of trainers. Explore your local parks and foot paths, or simply walk around your neighbourhood. It's free, you can do it alone or with friends, listen to music or podcasts, and you can do it anytime.

Bodyweight Exercises

You can get a great workout using your body weight without having to pay for a gym membership or equipment. Exercises like push-ups, squats, lunges, and planks require no equipment and can be done at home or in a local park. Combine these exercises into a routine for a full-body workout. Find our more on VeryWellFit or find free inspiration on

Online Workouts

There are countless free workout videos available online. Platforms like YouTube offer a wide range of exercise routines, from yoga and Pilates to high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

All you need is an internet connection and a device to watch. Some great places to start on YouTube include Joe Wicks (of course!), PopSugar and Yoga with Adriene.

Dress Affordably

You don't need expensive activewear to stay active. Wearing suitable clothes is important, things which aren’t tight and allow you to move.

Comfortable and breathable clothing can be found without breaking the bank. Shops like Decathlon stock lots of affordable clothes and second-hand options like Vinted mean you can often grab a bargain and still look sharp.

Second-Hand Equipment

If you're interested in equipment-based workouts, consider buying second-hand gear. Charity shops, car boot sales and online marketplaces like eBay and Facebook often have affordable options for dumbbells, resistance bands, and yoga mats.

Community Activities

Many communities offer free or low-cost fitness classes and activities. Check out noticeboards at local leisure centres, libraries, or churches for group exercise sessions, dance classes, or sports leagues.

Outdoor Activities

Nature provides a wealth of free opportunities for physical activity. Hiking, biking, swimming in natural bodies of water, and playing frisbee or football in a local park are all excellent ways to stay active without spending money.

Home Workouts

Create your own home workout routine using household items as substitutes for gym equipment. Use a sturdy chair for step-ups or tricep dips, filled water bottles as weights, and a towel as a yoga mat. Check out NerdFitnesses’ guide on How To Build A Home Gym Using Household Objects to learn more.

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Learn how Active Teams boosts workplace health and performance using 'The Miracle Cure' of activity.